
Surprising as it may seem, the green salad is used in a sweet dessert.... 15.9k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Desserts, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet Cheap
Green salad with orange
Alkhoss bellimoune

This dessert, yet simple to make, expresses the delicacy of Moroccan cuisine and the art of mixing flavors and exploit the wealth of local agricultural production.... 10.8k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Desserts, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet Cheap
Orange with cinnamon
Limoune belkarfa

Carrots mixed in the blender with orange juice and orange blossom.... 8.1k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Desserts, Drinks, Snack food, Dinner
Taste Price
Acidulous, Sweet Cheap
Carrots with orange juice
Khizzo me7kouk
