
The zucchini tajine is prepared with lamb or beef.... 10.3k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tagine with zucchini
Tajine belgriaa lkhadra


What better than the « Mrouzia » to illustrate the mastering of sweet and salty in Moroccan cuisine.... 9.3k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet and salty, Spicy Quite expensive
Candied meat with almond and raisins


Artichokes and peas are at the top of Morocco's agricultural production during the spring season. With these two vegetables, we make an exceptional tagine, very popular among the locals.... 10.2k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tajine of peas and artichokes
Tajine jalbana olkouk


Given the huge olive production in Morocco, it is not surprising to say that this tagine is a must of tagine in Moroccan cuisine.... 7.9k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tajine with olives
Tajine bezzitoune


This is the only Jerusalem artichoke recipe known in Moroccan cuisine.Generally it is prepared with lamb. Preserved lemon, ginger and garlic are essential in this recipe.... 10.6k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tajine with jerusalem artichoke
Tajine btata 9osbya



Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tajine with Gombo
Tajine bel mloukhiya
