
Mashed pumpkin Moroccan is a subtle mix of sweet, salty and spicy.... 15.1k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Starters, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet and salty, Spicy Cheap
Mashed pumpkin
Algaraa maassla


What better than the « Mrouzia » to illustrate the mastering of sweet and salty in Moroccan cuisine.... 9.6k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet and salty, Spicy Quite expensive
Candied meat with almond and raisins


This dessert, yet simple to make, expresses the delicacy of Moroccan cuisine and the art of mixing flavors and exploit the wealth of local agricultural production.... 10.8k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Desserts, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet Cheap
Orange with cinnamon
Limoune belkarfa

"Kadra belhammous" (translated pot with chickpeas), a specialty of the city of Fez is a tagine recipe of turnip and weight-chick.... 8.8k views

Where When
Homemade Lunch, Dinner
Taste Price
Spicy, Salty Affordable
Tajine with turnips and chickpeas
Kadra belhamousse
