
Steamed jasmin rice

Khao Hom Mali ข้าวหอมมะลิ

Original name

Khao Hom Mali ข้าวหอมมะลิ
Rice is undoubtedly the most important element of Thai cuisine. So important that inviting people to eat is called "kin khâo", which means "It's time to eat rice". Steamed jasmine rice is the most important dish of a meal, often accompanied by meat dishes, fish, vegetables and sauces.

The variety of rice used in the local cuisine is jasmine rice, typical of Thailand, grown in the northeastern region of the country. It is known for its sweet and delicate fragrance that gave it its name of "jasmine" rice.
Although cooked especially in its refined form (white), we can find jasmine rice in several types: white rice, brown rice, whole grain, semi-whole grain ...

For the preparation of steamed jasmine rice, Thais use the technique of absorption to have an fluffy and perfectly cooked rice .
We start by rinsing the jasmine rice several times, with plenty of water if possible, while removing the rinsing water each time, then put the rice in a saucepan with water (for the proportions : 1.25 volumes of water per 1 volume of rice) over medium to high heat. Cook until boiling. At this moment, turn down the fire as low as you can and cover. Cook again for 15 to 20 minutes.
The rice is ready when it has absorbed all the water in the pan ...

Serve it hot with vegetables or meats and #Green chili dip# or other Thai sauce.
In the local culture - For everyday
How to eat it - With a spoon
- Flat-bottomed spoon
Caloric valueVery High
Temperature - Hot
- Room temperature
Vegetarian , Vegan
Difficulty of preparationEasy
Cooked - Raw - Cooked
Outils de préparration - Pressure cooker or pot


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