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While this is the lamb is the most appreciated by the Moroccan meat for preparing couscous, it is common to see the chicken in the cuckoos. On the one hand for its affordability but also for a change lamb or adapt to the puck some people who can not eat lamb (medical ban) or do not like (the taste of very pronounced lamb)
There is no need to introduce it, the most famous Moroccan food in the world. Rich flavors and unique in its preparation, this dish says a lot about the generosity of Moroccan cuisine.... 25.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
The recipe for couscous exists in several varieties in Morocco. Couscous called "Tfaya" is most known sweet and salty version.... 14.9k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty, Spicy | Quite expensive | |
Couscous with raisins and onion confit
Couscous tfaya
The pancake with the lentil sauce are inscribed for centuries among the most traditional and reputed dishes in Morocco.... 13.9k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
The patties with chicken and lentils' sauce
The "Bastila" (a word derived from the Spanish pastilla) is certainly a legacy of Andalusian culture. Today is the reference dish for receptions and special occasions.... 13.4k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty, Spicy | Expensive | |
This Moroccan Tagine « M’hamer » is a classic dish infused with several flavors that is often served on special occasions and during the holy month of Ramadan.... 11.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | -- | |
Taste | Price | |
Acidulous, Spicy, Salty | Quite expensive | |
Roasted chicken tagine
Djaj mhemmer
Dig the semolina with your spoon, you will discover a surprise!... 11.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty | Affordable | |