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In Morocco, offals are popular and widely cooked homes and in local restaurants. We can sometimes eat the at breakfast!
| Accompanying other dishes like white beans, grilled as the rat or the heart, cooked in a tagine or even salted and dried "Cordas" to preserve them.
The feast of the "Aid El Kebir" is an opportunity to prepare them home.
The spleen recipe is a spicy and delicious fast food.... 30.7k views
Where | When | |
Street food | Snack food, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Stuffed spleen
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Salty | Affordable | |
Steamed sheep's head
Rrass dial lghenmi mfouer
[autoTrans]In general, this specialty is prepared in the homes especially during the time of the festival of the sheep with offal still fresh which one cooking to obtain a kind of spicy stew with piec... 21.6k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Offal in the Moroccan way
A very special way to prepare liver skewers. The Boulfaf which could be translated as the "wrapped" is an essential of the feast of "Eid El Kebir" in Morocco.... 19.6k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Liver skewers
Offals in Morocco are considered as a prime food. In the moroccan "Cordas", they are marinated in a salty and spicy mixture before being put to dry in the sun. This helps to conserve them a long time ... 18k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | -- | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |