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With wheat as a staple food, the cuisine of Morocco knows how to diversify bakery products.
| A wide proposal crepes and pancakes for breakfast or snack, accompanied by butter and honey and a good glass of tea.
With puff patties, a real chicken dish is prepared and served on special occasions.
The Harcha is a Moroccan galette made from semolina. Excellent for breakfast and snacking in the afternoon with coffee or milk or mint tea: it can be served with butter, olive oil, jam, honey, and eve... 17.6k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Breakfast, Tea break, Snack food | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty, Salty | Cheap | |
Semolina galette
Thinner than the pancakes, thicker than crepes, "Beghrir" (one baghrira) is a crepe with a full face of small holes. The French call it the thousand-holes!... 17.6k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Breakfast, Tea break | |
Taste | Price | |
Salty | Cheap | |
Pancakes of thousand holes
With wheat flour, we can make several Moroccan specialties. Here the "Mlaoui" : Puff patties with circular lamination. ("Mlaoui" can be translated as "the rolled")... 14.7k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Breakfast, Tea break, Snack food | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty, Salty | Affordable | |
Rolled pancakes
"Msemen" or "Rghayif" thin puff patties prepared with wheat flour. Pan-fried in a little bit of vegetable oil, they are crispy on the outside while keeping the inside soft.... 14.1k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Breakfast, Tea break, Snack food | |
Taste | Price | |
Salty | Cheap | |
Puff patties
One of the most complicated recipes from the Moroccan bakery. Rarely homemade these days.... 10.6k views
Where | When | |
Street food | Breakfast, Tea break | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet and salty, Salty | Affordable | |
Wired galette
Rezzet elkadi
To change the classic "Msemen" (morrocan pancakes) savory, locals love to accommodate it with spicy stuffing.... 8.5k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Lunch, Tea break, Starters, Snack food | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Cheap | |