
To meet the nutritional needs of the day of fasting, the diet during this holy month is completely changed.

| In the Muslim religion, the faithful should observe a month of fasting. It is the month of Ramadan of the lunar calendar (calendar used by the Muslim religion).
Fasting in Islam is to stop eating and drinking from dawn until sunset. Muslims may eat and drink after sunset until dawn of the next day. Then the process begins again for a new day for the entire month of Ramadan.
During this month, Moroccan eat three times during the night, a fast breaking at sunset, dinner late in the evening before going to bed and finally a meal before dawn called "Shur".
Some specialties are prepared before Ramadan, and used along the holy month like "Sellou" while others are prepared every day like soup "harira".

A bowl of barley soup to warm the body in the fresh mornings of Moroccan winter.... 34.2k views

Where When
Homemade Breakfast, Dinner
Taste Price
Salty Very cheap
Barley semolina Soup
Harira dial dchicha


"Illane" in moroccan dialect, millet seeds (or millet) in english is a calcium-rich grass whose consumption is recommended for people who have suffered fractures.... 34.2k views

Where When
Homemade Breakfast, Starters, Dinner
Taste Price
Salty Very cheap
Millet soup
Harira dial illane


A light soup is prepared with wheat semolina, milk and olive oil. With this trio of ingredients, this dish bet on simplicity.... 23.2k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Breakfast, Dinner
Taste Price
Salty Very cheap
Soup with semolina
Harira dial smida


The queen of the Moroccan soups. Hrira or Harira in moroccan dialect means in its broadest sense "soup".rnTo distinguish it, we call it sometimes "Harira Hamda", which means soup Tangy.... 18k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Breakfast, Tea break, Dinner
Taste Price
Acidulous, Spicy, Salty Cheap
Moroccan Soup
Hrira Hamda


Thinner than the pancakes, thicker than crepes, "Beghrir" (one baghrira) is a crepe with a full face of small holes. The French call it the thousand-holes!... 17.7k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Breakfast, Tea break
Taste Price
Salty Cheap
Pancakes of thousand holes

"Chebakia" emblematic pastry of Moroccan cuisine. Every Ramadan, Moroccans consume pharaonic amounts of it.... 16.5k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Snack food
Taste Price
Spicy, Sweet Cheap

The guide of gastronomy of Morocco

de rue
et pâtisserie