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The lemon chicken tagine is very famous in the world. Besides this tagine of chicken, other recipe exist.
| Slow and choked cooking helps tenderize the dry chicken meat (especially chicken breast).
Before preparing the tagine, the chicken is often washed and then salted and left to stand overnight. The chicken is thoroughly cleaned from the presence of any microbe, the taste is softened and the flesh is tender.
This Moroccan Tagine « M’hamer » is a classic dish infused with several flavors that is often served on special occasions and during the holy month of Ramadan.... 11.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | -- | |
Taste | Price | |
Acidulous, Spicy, Salty | Quite expensive | |
Roasted chicken tagine
Djaj mhemmer
Sugar of fondant carrots, preserved lemon acidity and flavor of meat and spices. These ingredients define the character of this tajine, simple to make but very tasty.... 10.1k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Carrot Tajine
Tajine bkhizou
Given the huge olive production in Morocco, it is not surprising to say that this tagine is a must of tagine in Moroccan cuisine.... 8k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Tajine with olives
Tajine bezzitoune
The only known fennel recipe in Moroccan cuisine. And what better than a tagine to honor this vegetable.... 7.6k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |