
Tajine of peas and artichokes

Tajine jalbana olkouk

Original name

Tajine jalbana olkouk
Artichokes and peas are at the top of Morocco's agricultural production during the spring season. With these two vegetables, we make an exceptional tagine, very popular among the locals.
Enjoyable and delicious, this seasonal Tagine is an eminent dish among Moroccan recipes with this duo of vegetables with their exceptional taste.
In Morocco, the artichokes and fresh pea are so good that tagines with irresistible flavor can be achieved by using them as ingredients.
The dish that we propose does not lack of popularity thanks to the two vegetables and you'll quickly understand the secret of its success once you've tried it!
To begin, cut the lamb into pieces (depending on preferences: beef, veal, chicken etc.) and place it in a cooker with oil, salt, ginger and garlic.xa0Fry it a little bit, then cover with water and cover it and cook it while stirring from time to time.xa0At the end of cooking the meat, add a candied lemon, the pea and the artichokes previously prepared (and a little water as needed).
Finally, reduce the sauce before put the meat in a Tagine or plate and cover it with the pea, the hearts of artichokes and pieces of candied lemon.
Tasty, spicy and slightly sweet, the classic Tagine of pea and artichoke will delight you!
In the local culture - For everyday
Season - Spring
SpicyModerately spicy
How to eat it - Dipping bread
Caloric valueMedium
Temperature - Hot
Difficulty of preparationAverage
Cooked - Raw - Cooked
Outils de préparration - Pressure cooker or pot
- Tajine

Side food

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The guide of gastronomy of Morocco

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