
After its introduction by the British in Morocco, green tea is associated with mint and a good amount of sugar to give to Moroccans their national drink.

From breakfast to dinner through other meals of the day and for receptions, tea is served on all occasions.rnOther herbs can be added to the preparation: absinthe, verbena ...

Other than mint, Moroccan like to add other herbs and plants in their tea.... 18.9k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Breakfast, Tea break, Drinks, Snack food
Taste Price
Sweet Affordable
Herbal tea
Atay betkhalete

Famous the whole world, it doesn't need to be introduced anymore. The mint tea is the first ambassador of the cuisine and the art of living of Morocco.... 17.6k views

Where When
Street food, Homemade Breakfast, Lunch, Tea break, Drinks, Snack food, Dinner
Taste Price
Sweet Cheap
Mint tea
Atay b naanaa

The guide of gastronomy of Morocco

de rue
et pâtisserie