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Starters (served as an accompaniment) in Morocco are often cooked vegetables or simply served raw and seasonning.
| First the tomato then comes peppers, zucchini or other local vegetables like "Slaoui" squash or the "Gombo" are good ingredients for vegetarian Moroccan starters. Enjoy discovering this appetizing long list.
"Illane" in moroccan dialect, millet seeds (or millet) in english is a calcium-rich grass whose consumption is recommended for people who have suffered fractures.... 34.4k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Breakfast, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Salty | Very cheap | |
Millet soup
Harira dial illane
This dish reminds to all Moroccans memories of breakfasts of muslim fests (Aid El Fitr, Eid El Adha). A recipe that has probably crossed the centuries.... 22.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Breakfast, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet, Salty | Cheap | |
Wheat with Milk
It is the Moroccan salad par excellence, very light and tasty, present practically every day and on all the tables that it is to accompany a tajine or a grill.... 20.4k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Acidulous, Salty | Cheap | |
Moroccan salad
With eggplant, in Morocco we prepare "Zaalouk". A delicious and beloved vegetarian starter.... 20k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Cheap | |
Mashed eggplant
A very special way to prepare liver skewers. The Boulfaf which could be translated as the "wrapped" is an essential of the feast of "Eid El Kebir" in Morocco.... 19.7k views
Where | When | |
Street food, Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Spicy, Salty | Affordable | |
Liver skewers
Starter, dessert and pastry, « Mhancha » (translation : snake-like) is a dish of the special days.... 19.5k views
Where | When | |
Homemade | Lunch, Starters, Snack food, Dinner | |
Taste | Price | |
Sweet | Expensive | |