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It is the less noble version of Amlou, whose original recipe uses almonds. Here, almods are replaced with peanuts.
C'est la version moins noble de l'Amlou, dont la recette originale utilise les amandes. Ici on les remplace avec des cacahuètes.
In the local culture | - For everyday |
Regions | - Agadir, Essaouira, Safi |
How to eat it | - Dipping bread |
Caloric value | Very High |
Temperature | - Room temperature |
Vegetarian , Vegan | |
Allergy | - Contains peanuts |
Difficulty of preparation | Very difficult |
Cooked - Raw | - Mix of cooked and raw |
Side food
Homemade bread
Even today, the majority of Moroccan families still prepare homemade bread. And they do it everyday!
Mint tea
Famous the whole world, it doesn't need to be introduced anymore. The mint tea is the first ambassador of the cuisine and the art of living of Morocco.